Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm Not Smarter Than My Fourth Graders!

I've just started in the Greensboro College Elementary Education program and part of our requirement is to do feildwork every semester in an elementary school. I have been placed in a fourth grade classroom. I've only spent two whole days with these kids and my eyes have already been opened to so much! I was in fourth grade 11 years ago, so it hasn't been that long for me, I still remember my teacher, in fact, shes right next door to this classroom. But I'm blown away by how different things are now. These kids are extremely intelligent but very disrespectful. I've heard some of my fellow classmates say the difference between now and when we were in school is that we were afraid what would happen when we got home. I agree. My mama always told me to never ever talk back to my teachers. This is a lesson these kids need to learn. Aside from the behavioral issues, the curriculum is so advanced now. I had to sit down and think about a math problem before I could offer any help. These are fourth graders doing middle school math. This is crazy!

But needless to say I'm learning a lot and I just hope I am prepared for what I will have to face when I begin in my own classroom.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The sweetest kind of kisses!

Emma is already giving us kisses! Its the sweetest thing I have ever seen her do. We clap and tell her how smart she is every time she does it and she gets the biggest grin on her little face! The time is flying by! She already has two teeth and she is beginning to put weight on her legs so I know it won't be long before she is pulling up, and then the fun begins when she starts to walk. Every second of this child's life has been so special to me, I don't take one day for granted.

I started back to school last week and I'm very excited about this semester. I finally get to take classes that I'm interested in. One of my classes is called mild to moderate disabilities where we are learning about children who are labeled in the classroom. Our first lesson was about people first language. I never realized how much our wording can affect a person's self esteem, especially a small child. For example, instead of saying that a child has a handicap, we should say he or she has a disability, or they are exceptional.

Then I began to think about how this people first language effects everyone. How we say things really makes a difference in the response we receive. I try my best to think about this when speaking to John. I'm very quick to spat off something hurtful before I think and then this always leads to an argument. I recently read a book called "The Power of a Praying Wife." It says the best gift we can give our husbands and our children is the gift of prayer. How awesome does it feel when someone tells you that they have been lifting you up in prayer? I know I love to hear it. So this week that is what I'm going to do, use people first language and Pray fiercely for my husband. Have a great week everyone!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lessons from a friend...

As I mentioned in my first blog, I have been following a blog on myspace written by Amy McKinnney. Amy's twin babies passed away in November and she has just been a huge inspiration to me. She has consistently stayed optimistic and she has never lost faith, even in the greatest tragedy a human being could ever experience, Amy has remained faithful to God. I strive to be more like her. This is an expert from her blog this past week. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing it.

"Another story that is close to my heart is the story of Abraham and Sarai(Sarah). They were married, but Sarah could not conceive. She wrestled for a very long time with that fact and eventually accepted that she would never be a mother. However, at the age of ninety, she conceived a son. She loved him very much and this reminds me that all of Gods plans are worth waiting for. He knows the desires of our hearts and I believe that he brings us all what we need, when we need it. There are alot of times, when he knows what we need even better than we do. "Is there anything too hard for the Lord?" Gen.18:14
My bible is a womens study bible and there is one particular study called, "Heart of a Mother". I read this passage for the first time shortly after becoming pregnant. It meant so much to me that I placed a special book mark there, so that I would always be able to get to it when I needed it. It starts off with a narrative about what it must have been like to be Eve. The first mother ever. She cradled her baby, amazed at his perfection. His perfect fingers and toes. She questions how on earth she will ever be what this child needs. Then, she answers her own question. "With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man." I think any mother has those doubts and fear. Fathers too for that fact. How on earth do you raise this child the right way? What is the right way? What if I fail and their whole life is ruined because of me? What if I do not punish them enough or what if I punish them to much? The questions are never ending... However, God allowed Eve to feel all the joy and heartache that came with raising her children and amazingly, every mother to this day, still has all the same worries and fears that she had. We must always trust in God and let him lead us!

This past Sunday, the first Sunday of the New Year; our preacher spoke about Hope. Now, many of you know how Emma received her middle name. It was based on one sermon that just grabbed me and truly spoke to me. Well, this sermon was very similar to the one of Grace. The main passage of the sermon was Romans 5:3-5, "Rejoice in sufferings because suffering produces perseverance; perseverance to character; character to hope. Hope does not disappoint us because God has poured out his love into out hearts." Man, this hit me like a brick wall. God always has a plan for us. We may not understand the route he takes us on to get us there, but he always understands. If anyone can understand suffering right now, I would have to say it, that I can. And I know that God never brings us to any battle we cannot defeat. He does not want us to hurt, for we are his children, but he knows that there are lessons that we must learn and some of them are really tough and some seem impossible. However, we will persevere. Ryan and I will persevere. I believe that our characters have already been changed for the better because of the suffering and lessons learned during this time in our lives; at least I hope it has. Some of the strongest and most wonderful people I know are ones who have been through some pretty tough times. Times that even make my battles seem insignificant. They are strong and faithful because they have been at the bottom of the valley and they have risen to see the mountain tops. For me, Hope, is that mountain top. For, what are we without hope? I am sure that everyone knows where this is leading... When the time comes for God to bless us with another child, if it is a girl, her name will be Hope. It seems so fitting. We have come from suffering, we will persevere and we will have HOPE!"
Prayers and Love,

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year

I recently purchased a book by Dr. David E. Clark entitled "Cinderella Meets the Caveman". I really enjoyed reading this humorous and Godly approach to marriage. It was almost as if the author followed John and I around for a week and then wrote a book on what not to do in a marriage. That's a little exaggeration but I could certainly relate to parts of it. I felt the title was fitting for my blog.

Over the past few months I have been inspired to write a blog. I've been keeping up with Kory and Blair Flowers' blog and with Amy McKinney's on myspace. That has become one of my new year's resolutions, write a blog and not delete it! I've started this several times and then while editing what I had written, I deleted it, afraid of what people might think of my ideas, opinions and my life. Writing is very therapeutic and relaxing for me, a way of expressing myself. Writing was always my first love and I still plan on doing something with it one day.

I can't believe it is already 2009! This past year had been a whirlwind. So much has happened and I have had showers of blessings rained down upon me. I give God all the honor and glory! I have learned many lessons that have changed my life for the better. John and I welcomed our first child on June 27th 2008. I could have never imagined how one sweet little girl could touch so many people. I thank God everyday for bringing this child into my life. Being her mom is the most important job I will ever have and I don't take it lightly. God gave her to me for a reason and I embrace the task with open arms. Thank You, Lord for Emma.

John and I attend True Gospel Baptist Church. We became members in 2008 and John was finally baptized. He jokes saying that he was already baptized once because his mom was pregnant with him when she was baptized in 1985! We also dedicated our daughter to the Lord there in October. We really love our Church and our Church family. There is a great work being done there and in our community and we're thankful to be a part of it.

It is my desire to serve the Lord and be the best mom, wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, student and friend that I can be in 2009. I hope this new year is full and happiness and peace for everyone.

Happy 2009!